Wednesday, July 24, 2013

DIY: Doctor Who Computer Cover

To all you Doctor Who fans out there (whovians, if I may), here is a time lord inspired project step-by-step.

You need:
Mod Podge
Craft glue
Clear nail-polish (or someother kind of sealer)
Print outs of Doctor Who quotes and the Tardis

1. First of all, I started with an old computer case/cover for my macbook. I wouldn't suggest doing this directly onto your computer's surface, but rather purchase a cover (or re-use an old one) to decorate. If it's an old cover, make sure the its clean and smooth, and sand off any rough or peeling pieces.

 2. Cut out your quotes and Tardis and design where you want the pieces on the cover. The choice is up to you how its arranged, so don't be afraid to be creative with it :)

3. Glue down the pieces where you want them making sure to get all the "bubbles" out. Don't be afraid to layer the pieces, just make sure it's all glued down well. Next, seal it over with the Mod Podge. The Mod Podge helps to waterproof the paper into place and give it a glossy finish. There are different kinds you can get (such as glossy, matte, GLITTER, ect...the choice is up to you), but I used glossy for this project.

4. Let it dry. I'd suggest letting it dry for a few hours, maybe a day, just to make sure it has cured well.

 5. Finally, seal it. While Mod Podge is a sort of sealer, I would suggest putting something a bit more heavy duty as a final coat for a project like this. For mine, I used clear nail-polish.

I hope you enjoyed this Doctor Who DIY! As you can imagine, you can apply these crafting techniques to other kinds of projects and use other themes.

Something Old, Something New: The Swimsuit Project

Introducing the swimsuit project! Just a heads up, this is not a sewing project for beginners. I've been sewing for 10 or so years now, and this was a challenge....but if you have a good understanding of your body type, find the right material, and are up for the challenge, go for it! The results are quite rewarding. Modest swimsuits are hard to come by, and while I know we each have our own definitions of what we consider a "modest" swimsuit, here's my attempt at modesty with a vintage twist. Enjoy!

For this project, I did not work from a pattern. I used the top part of a formal dress pattern combined with a basic a-line type flare. The swimsuit bottoms I bought at Goodwill, and most of the material I used is vintage swim fabric my grandmother gave me. So something old, something new...and not a penny spent :)